UPS Relocation and Disposal

The relocation of a UPS involves the decommissioning, safe transportation and re-commissioning of the UPS and associated batteries. Using trained engineers and our highly experienced logistics team, Power Backup Services (PBS) can assist in the smooth relocation of your UPS, batteries and electrical switchgear.
If you have a requirement to dispose of a UPS, PBS can assist with a wide range of UPS brands.

Using trained engineers and our highly experienced logistics team, we can carry out the disposal of the UPS and associated batteries. Our engineer will ensure that the UPS is safely decommissioned ready for our logistics team to pack and palletise the UPS and batteries for transportation and disposal.

If your UPS is not listed, we can still protect it, please contact us to find out more.

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Remote UPS Monitoring

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Generator Maintenance Contracts

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Battery Monitoring

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monitoring is essential. It’s about peace of mind ...

Interested in any of our products or services?

For more information, you can contact our trained engineers and support staff: +4021 323 50 71 or suport@power-backup.ro.

Submit an inquiry to our team of experts who are available to discuss your requirements. For a quote or simply if you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch.