ABB’s Xtra VFI / double conversion mode delivers maximum efficiency by dynamically adjusting the DPA 500 UPS configuration to match the load. In Xtra VFI / double conversion mode, the UPS automatically configures the number of modules that are active to match the load power.
April 2018
Understanding the reliability of uninterruptible power supplies
The primary objective in the implementation of a UPS system is to improve the reliability to the limits of technical capability, the ultimate aim being to totally eliminate the possibility of any disturbance or downtime.
Main Characteristics of UPS Battery Systems
Critical part of the UPS is the battery bank that provides the energy needed to ensure that a continuous flow of clean power is available to the critical process that the UPS is powering.
Power factor and the uninterruptible power supply
When specifying a new UPS, its power rating must be well matched to the job in hand or else it could fail just when it is needed. However, picking the correct power rating is not as straightforward as it may seem
UPS design: Transformer-free vs transformer-based
It is clear that the transformer-free UPS design is better, which is why it now dominates the market. Read more about Major technical specification differences and Major differences …
Power guarantee UPS for Data Centers
Data centers are set to increase in size, number and complexity, upping the challenge to UPS products. Also, increasinggly sophisticated modular and containerized data centers will require more versatile power protection schemes.